About Esther

I'm here to help you disconnect from your day-to-day life and bring out your creativity.

about Esther Martínez - sewing and pattern making instructor

I'm here to help you disconnect from your day-to-day life and bring out your creativity.

I'm here to help you disconnect from your day-to-day life and bring out your creativity.

I think we live in an accelerated way, without stopping to rest and reconnect.


However, the challenge is to find a creative work that has a place within your busy schedule, manages to evade you, relax you and makes you enjoy the peace of mind of taking care of yourself.

That's my job and I'm looking forward to helping you.

about my Esther Martínez - sewing and pattern making instructor

sewing and pattern making instructor.

Sewing has always been part of my life. I have seen my grandmother and mother sew, my father told me that my great-grandmother had patterns of wedding dresses hanging in her room and I have inherited it. I started creating my blog Looks and DIY, dedicated to sewing and DIY, in 2015.

But it wasn't until 2018 that I discovered the true power I had.

about Esther Martínez - sewing and pattern making instructor
about my Esther Martínez - sewing and pattern making instructor

sewing and pattern making instructor.

Sewing has always been part of my life. I have seen my grandmother and mother sew, my father told me that my great-grandmother had patterns of wedding dresses hanging in her room and I have inherited it. I started creating my blog Looks and DIY, dedicated to sewing and DIY, in 2015.

But it wasn't until 2018 that I discovered the true power I had.

about Esther Martínez - sewing and pattern making instructor
about my Esther Martínez - sewing and pattern making instructor

sewing and pattern making instructor.

Sewing has always been part of my life. I have seen my grandmother and mother sew, my father told me that my great-grandmother had patterns of wedding dresses hanging in her room and I have inherited it. I started creating my blog Looks and DIY, dedicated to sewing and DIY, in 2015.

But it wasn't until 2018 that I discovered the true power I had.

Like every summer in Zaragoza, 2018 was exaggeratedly hot. I had already finished my degree in Business Administration and Management at the University of Zaragoza and had been working in a law firm for some time. I was not on staff, I worked 6 months and I was kicked out 3. This time I was in the second round of 6.


At 5:30 the alarm clock sounded, the streets were not yet set. Boredom, demotivation, discouragement, it was time to return to the mine. Mondays have never been so uphill for me. I was walking to work and regularly the employees of the City Council poured water to cool the environment. I became a tightrope walker, I had to get around those loose tiles that hid a puddle behind me. The light from the street lamps didn't help and I always ended up with my legs covered with water and sand.


The work was the most demanding and mentally stressful,with very high production quotas. The supervisors and bosses reminded me of lion tamers.


When I got home I would collapse, get into bed until my boyfriend arrived. I remember looking,I had palpitations, I couldn't stop crying and I was in my bones. He had no strength.


The afternoons were spent in front of the mobile, seeing other people's lives that made me forget mine. On one of those afternoons a friend appeared, as if it were a breath of fresh air. Their conversation emboldened me, I opened up in channel, let everything out.

When you go to hit the play you never know what's on the other side, his voice audio opened my eyes. His energetic voice, his desire to live, his own experiences gave me the strength.

I was sick, I was depressed.

That's when I took charge of my life and went to the doctor. After testing and analysis, we saw that this crisis had crupped my hormones. He had hyperthyroidism. I got scared and the first thing I asked him was does he have a cure? his smile reassured me, I had to learn to take care of myself.


Taking care of myself, that was my task. I started sewing as a daily routine,before it was a matter of the weekends quickly and running, but I made it a habit. Little by little, it all adds up.

the illusion of undertaking exciting projects, premiering my creations, prompted me to continue.

I channeled all my discouragement and boredom through stitches, which became garments that cheered my soul and motivated me to go out. Sewing was my lifeboat.


It was then that the proposal came to give my first class in the faculty I had studied, I launched my first Course "Create your vintage shirt" and later my own Online Sewing and Pattern Making Academy with exciting new projects, such as the Ebook "La Cremallipedia" and the Course "Tul Skirt with Ruffles".


I wanted to professionalize to the maximum and I launched myself to study the profession thoroughly, Pattern Making and Fashion Design,a dream.

This is my story, the sewing and the energy that moves helped me to say goodbye to stress, to reconnect and to get to know myself.


Download the free sewing book

Do you want to sew impeccable garments? Get the most out of your sewing machine with the Ebook – Machine Sewing Has Never Been Easier.

Written in order to teach you all the necessary knowledge to master the sewing machine, full of tricks and tips (I'm sure you don't know many ;)) that will make your job very easy.

I want to learn to sew by machine

If you want to know a little more about me here I leave you some additional data:

about Esther Martinez - Online Sewing and Pattern Making Academy Looks and DIY

I am from Bilbao, I was born in Calatayud and currently reside in Zaragoza. It shows by my accent, isn't it? 🙂

✽ For years I have not consumed fast fashion. Their actions do not represent my values. I love to buy vintage, second-hand and you know, make my own clothes 😉

Being in nature recharges me with energy. In spring, the meadows full of flowers and the routes to crown an ibón. In autumn picking mushrooms is a double pleasure, the thrill of finding and eating them.

I believe in recycling and transforming rather than throwing away.

I am a feminist to the core, I believe in equality first and foremost.

I have an adventurous point that gives me away. I love traveling and discovering different ways of living life.

I love Christmas,a magical time of year that makes it the perfect excuse to enjoy my family and friends.

Blanket, tea and documentary. That's how I would describe a perfect Sunday afternoon.

I consider myself a sponge, I like to learn and nourish myself continuously to grow both personally and professionally.

I always look for ways to solve problems in different ways, be original and innovate.

For me sewing is a therapy. It is my ritual of relaxation on a day-to-day basis. 

Allow yourself to enjoy the now, connect with yourself, listen to yourself. Sewing something for yourself makes you trust and proud to wear it.

Reaffirm your potential, prove your worth and enhance your creativity.

Download for free now the book "Sewing by machine was never so easy"

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